Empty Nets
Jul 1, 2022 • Evangelist Lance Alves
Thank you for tuning into today's podcast titled 'Empty Nets' in which Evangelist Lance Alves shares that a life with Jesus involved is awesome. If this podcast is encouraging to you, feel free to share it with a friend, family member or coworker to encourage them today!
If you would like to become a financial partner with Evangelist Lance Alves in sending him to share the gospel around the world at $25 a month or more visit www.AlvesMinistries.org/give Today! For more tax deductible ways to give, here's how:
-Venmo: Manuel-Alves-3
-CashApp: $AlvesMinistries
-Text2Give: Text ‘Souls2Jesus’ to 888-364-4483
-Mail: Check Payable to Alves Ministries/ PO Box 690981, Tulsa, OK, USA 74169